Safe food for whom? Consumers, animals and the environment in the European food safety regulations
At first sight, European Union food safety law seems to display a grossly anthropocentric approach. But placing it in the context of environmental law and reading it in the light of the ethical principles enshrined in European Union Treaties and regulations, will reveal a totally different picture. In Europe, safe food is much more than merely consumers not getting sick when eating or drinking. Applying the life-cycle approach underlying food safety law in Europe ― safety from the farm to the fork ― a certain food product cannot receive the ‘safe food’ label whenever its production caused unnecessary and unacceptable damages to animal life or to the environment.
Como Citar
Aragão, A. (2024). Safe food for whom? Consumers, animals and the environment in the European food safety regulations. Revista Latino-Americana De Direitos Da Natureza E Dos Animais, 7(1-2), Em breve. Recuperado de
Consumo e produção responsáveis - ODS 12

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